
时间: 12-14 00:00 阅读: 5次
The switch to BIM: bigger than just going from 2D to 3D【导读】成功实施BIM的秘诀:1.知道您的位置;2.了解您的定位; 3.接受和拥抱BIM; 4.不断探索; 5.找到一个指南; 6.分享分享再分享; 7.允许时间进行反思; 8.得到管理者的支持; 9.循序渐进的步骤实施; 10.不要赶时间 我们认为最重要的是所有的事情都“不要赶时间”!(By SketchUpBBS)So you’re thinking about making the jump to BIM. Or perhaps you’ve been using ArchiCAD for years and have just upgraded to the latest version. What can you do to make the transition smoother?Know where you are coming from. I cringe every time I hear people complain about how BIM takes long...

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