
时间: 07-30 18:28 阅读: 50次
来源:微信公众号:建筑结构北京时间2019年11月16日,TheStructural Awards揭晓2019世界结构大奖获奖名单,由中国建筑设计研究院原创设计的“青岛世界博览城”项目在经过“结构艺术奖”、“大跨度结构奖”两项提名后,最终荣获“结构艺术奖(建筑物类)”。获奖奖牌颁奖现场Structural Awards2019Judge's comment(评委评价):Arranged in a cruciform plan with a 500m long, 47m high primary gallery intersected by a 300m long 32m high cross gallery: the structure creates a magnificent light-filled circulation area between large exhibition halls. The primary gallery height is dictated by the surrounding buildings and being in ...

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