
时间: 08-22 00:00 阅读: 25次
Author and translator/ Yifeng Chen(Feng Shui Master in China) 作者和翻译者/陈益峰(中国风水师) (中英文对照) Some foreign customers and readers say that it is difficult for them to read Feng Shui articles in Chinese.They hope that the author will translate some articles into english.《Please don't move when you are in luck》,the translation of this articleis as follows. 应国外一些客户和读者的要求,他们看风水文章的中文解释,很费劲或者看不懂,以后笔者将部分文章翻译成英语。本文翻译陈益峰风水文章《家运昌盛,不弃房宅》。全文如下:  If your Family's fortunes is good, please don't c...

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